Emergency Button For Escape
Emergency Escape Button
What is Emergency Button For Escape?
Emergency Escape Button.
With just one click, remove all tabs and instantly launch the pages you need! Quickly restore closed tabs for complete readiness in any situation.
By pressing the Emergency button, you can close all currently open tabs, and with the Restore button, you can recover them all at once.
You can restore up to a maximum of 20 tabs. If the number of tabs to restore exceeds 20, only the 20 most recently created tabs will be restored.
The Emergency Button has a total of 3 modes: Fastest Mode, Safety Mode, and Tab Setup. Each mode can be set up simultaneously.
Exception: If Fastest Mode is enabled, Tab Setup Mode will be automatically disabled.
If no modes are set, pressing the Emergency button will close the Chrome window. However, you can still reopen the Chrome window and restore the previously opened tabs using the Restore button.
Fastest Mode
It guarantees the fastest tab creation. When the Fastest Mode is enabled and the Emergency Button is pressed, all currently open tabs will be closed, and tabs will be created instantly using built-in pages in the program without any loading time. Activating this mode will automatically disable Tab Setup Mode.
Safety Mode
It deletes your browsing history to protect your privacy. When Safety Mode is enabled and the Emergency Button is pressed, all currently open tabs will be closed, and the browsing history will be deleted as well. Safety Mode can be used in conjunction with either Fastest Mode or Tab Setup Mode.
Tab Setup Mode
This mode allows you to set the tabs to open after removing the current ones. When Tab Setup Mode is enabled and the Emergency Button is pressed, all currently open tabs will be closed, and the pre-set tabs will be opened instead.
The maximum number of tabs that can be set is 5.
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HOW TO INSTALL Emergency Button For Escape FROM A CRX FILE
- Download Emergency Button For Escape CRX file
- NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
- In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
- Enable Developer mode
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