
Gigantic Integer Calculator

Perform a range of operations on extremely large integers.

Publisher: MB


What is Gigantic Integer Calculator?

Perform a range of operations on extremely large integers..


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Perform a range of operations on extremely large integers.

The calculator can do the following with large integers, where X & Y denote two integer inputs:-

Basic Operations
Add (X + Y)
Subtract (X - Y)
Multiply (X x Y)
Divide (X / Y) [See Note 1]

Advanced Operations
Power (X^Y) [See Note 2]
Factorial (X!) [See Note 3]
Permutations (xPy) [See Note 3]
Combinations (xCy) [See Note 3]
Modulus (X % Y)
Factorize X into its Prime Factors [See Note 3]
Highest Common Factor (HCF(X,Y))
Lowest Common Multiple (LCM(X,Y))

Prime & Happy Number Check
Is X a Prime Number?
Is X a Prime Number using the Miller-Rabin Test? [See Note 4]
Is X a Happy Number?

[1] The result will be truncated
[2] Will abort if result has more than 50 million digits
[3] Will abort after running for more than about 1 minute
[4] Very fast method, with 99.999905% confidence rather than 100%

The result will always be an integer, and the number of digits in the integer will be shown, along with the time taken to do the computation.

The result can then be copied and pasted into X and/or Y allowing a chain of calculations with large integers.

When checking a large integer for whether it is a Prime Number, the Miller-Rabin Primality Test can be used with a 99.999905% confidence level as the standard 100% accuracy method test can take a very long time to run, but the Miller-Rabin test will run very much faster. The Miller-Rabin test will also be accurate when reporting a non-prime number, but there is a small chance that it is wrong when reporting that a number is prime.

A computation can be aborted at any time by just clicking outside of the popup, and many computations have constraints put on them in terms of execution time, or size of result, as these computations on large integers can be resource hungry on the CPU.

This extension is free of fees and adverts.

User data is not collected or processed.

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The latest version of Gigantic Integer Calculator is available on the Chrome web and is currently being used by 5 active users. The initial version was launched on 2025-01-31.

Total Downloads:  0(Downloads from CRX Insider)

HOW TO INSTALL Gigantic Integer Calculator FROM A CRX FILE

  1. Download Gigantic Integer Calculator CRX file
  2. NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
  3. In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
  4. Enable Developer mode
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