NewsFilter - block what you want to
NewsFilter blocks articles containing the words you choose, helping you filter out unwanted content.
What is NewsFilter - block what you want to?
NewsFilter blocks articles containing the words you choose, helping you filter out unwanted content..
NewsFilter is a Chrome extension that helps you maintain a distraction-free browsing experience by automatically filtering out content based on specific keywords you provide. Simply enter the words you want to block, and the extension will hide any links, articles, or pages containing those terms. Blocked content will be replaced with a "Content Hidden" message, so you can stay focused on the information that matters most. Want to go back to normal? Just turn it off.
Key Features:
- Automatically filters and blocks content containing keywords you’ve specified.
- Replaces blocked content with "Content Hidden" for a focused browsing experience.
- Simple setup – just add your keywords and let NewsFilter do the rest.
- Equipped with an easy "On / Off" button.
Stay in control of your online experience and filter out irrelevant or unwanted content with NewsFilter.
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Trends for NewsFilter - block what you want to:
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HOW TO INSTALL NewsFilter - block what you want to FROM A CRX FILE
- Download NewsFilter - block what you want to CRX file
- NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
- In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
- Enable Developer mode
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