BuurtZoeker(Neighborhood Finder)
Get Crime Score & other stats of your ideal home - https://buurtzoeker.com/
What is BuurtZoeker(Neighborhood Finder)?
Get Crime Score & other stats of your ideal home - https://buurtzoeker.com/.
Enhance your home search with real-time Crime scores directly on home search sites like funda.nl among others. This Chrome extension provides quick access to crime data for neighborhoods, helping you make informed decisions while browsing properties. The Crime score b/w 0-100 & is based on recent crime history from official sources like CBS data among others. For even more features, including detailed neighborhood reports on medical facilities, recreation, Daycares, Nearby neighborhoods with better crime scores that are much safer visit - https://app.buurtzoeker.com/.
In case the score is not visible right away try reloading the listing page.
Disclaimer: This Chrome extension is an independent tool created by BuurtZoeker and is not affiliated / endorsed with Funda.nl or any of its subsidiaries. All crime score data and related insights provided by this extension are sourced and processed independently by BuurtZoeker - https://buurtzoeker.com/. Funda.nl or its affiliates are not responsible for the content or functionality of this extension. There is no user data collected or stored or shared anywhere. Reach out to buurtzoekerai@gmail.com if you have any questions.
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HOW TO INSTALL BuurtZoeker(Neighborhood Finder) FROM A CRX FILE
- Download BuurtZoeker(Neighborhood Finder) CRX file
- NOTE: Sometimes the browser may block downloading / installing CRX file from outside the Chrome Web Store. If so, you may need to download the ZIP file instead
- In the URL bar, go to chrome://extensions
- Enable Developer mode
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